Business Advisory

Positive Approach, Positive Thinking = Positive Outcomes

Running a business is filled with uncertainties and challenges. Our Business Advisory Service provides the stability and expertise you need to navigate these challenges with confidence. We encourage you to think about things differently, expand your capabilities, and build resilience.  By committing to ongoing support, we help you create a robust business that can withstand market fluctuations, seize opportunities, and grow strategically.

Ongoing, Committed Support for Your Business Success

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, having consistent, expert guidance can make all the difference. Our Business Advisory Service provides you with committed support on an ongoing basis, ensuring you have a trusted advisor to tap into whenever you need it. This isn’t just about solving immediate problems—it’s about building long-term value for your business.

What you can expect ….

Continuous Strategic Guidance: With our Business Advisory Service, you’ll receive ongoing, tailored advice designed to help you navigate your business journey. This includes quarterly board/business review meetings, monthly 1-2-1 consultations, and ad hoc support whenever challenges or opportunities arise.

Building Long-Term Value: Our goal is to help you create a solid foundation for sustainable success. By working with you on strategic planning, governance, resource management, and growth initiatives, we ensure your business is not only thriving today but is also well-prepared for the future.

Expert Perspective and Fresh Thinking: Having an experienced advisor on your side means you benefit from a fresh pair of eyes. We’ll help you see things from new angles, uncovering opportunities and addressing blind spots you might have missed. This fresh perspective is invaluable for innovative problem-solving and strategic growth.

Collaboration and Support: Without good collaborative support, many businesses struggle to achieve their full potential. Our service is designed to be a partnership. We work closely with you, offering constructive advice and acting as a sounding board for your ideas. Our collaborative approach ensures that you’re not alone in your entrepreneurial journey.


Our Ethos

  • Fresh thinking
  • Curiosity – Questioning rather than telling
  • Strategic mindset
  • Collaboration and support
  • Willingness to challenge and offer opinions
  • Trustworthiness and integrity
  • Reactiveness and positivity
  • Approachability and friendliness

Service Includes

  • Personal attendance at quarterly Board/Business Review Meetings
  • Monthly 1-2-1 Consultations
  • Ad hoc support as required
  • Constant focus on your business growth and success


Based on an annual contract – starting at £8,500 depending on the size of the business and work required.

Full details to be negotiated on an individual basis.

Advantage to your business

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, our Business Advisory Service is here to help. Enquire today and discover how ongoing, expert support can make a lasting impact on your business success. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for your business.

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Tracy Hastain Wentworth Consultancy
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